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My Copystation

This is a branding concept project for a digital copywriting agency.

Copywriting is probably one of the most underrated skills when it comes to business, because it is through words and concepts that we communicate with each other.

Intended to be a platform that disposes the best copy artists and story tellers that will help you take your business to the next level in the "write" way, the purpose of this project was to design the brand of this digital space.


Branding and Identity for a professional but playful agency of creative writers and storytellers.


Brand design and identity system development for an online copywriting agency.

Scope Project

Brand Strategy

Brand Messaging

Logo & Identity Design

Developing the Strategy

With such a great need of better copy for businesses and brands in the world, and as a storyteller myself, I believe communication is a core aspect for every business to thrive.

However, to be able to establish a position in the digital universe, the brand had to respond to a few specifics.

By research and defining these specifics, the name and visuals of this brand began to reveal themselves.

Understanding the Users

Businesses and brands who can't keep readers interested in what they have to say are not going to scale, or even last much longer in business, if an automated process is not implemented.

Defining the Brand

Imagine a friend calling your phone asking you about some place you went and how cool it was and what you did there and why did you went there, etc. But you got so much stuff to take care that you can't really spend an hour or two talking. Wouldn't it be cool if you just tell them - "hey, put these goggles on, I'm sending you on a trip"?

A place where people could visit a space station and tell copywriters to take a trip on their spaceship to visit this amazing place they know of and write a story to deliver to people who'd be interested in go there.

And where would you park them spaceships?


Developing The Brand

Communication is an art. It's also the most powerful tool we have at our disposal.

It's our job to make it easier for others to understand us, not theirs to try to unveil us.

And that's what mycopystation was created for! A brand that wants to take communication out to the cosmos!

We humans love stories, it's the best way to take our minds on a trip... why not a space trip?


Joyful, peaceful and engaging. The whole process of a good copywriter would evoke these feelings, making the customer feel at ease while doing their job, but still be a part of the writing for their company.


Classic and clean charateristics of Helvetica evoke the professional side for this company, while Comic Neue brings the adventurous and playful child that can tell a story full of emotions.

Visual Identity

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