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Vitor Taveira

With a lifetime dedicated to sports and physical activity, Vitor impacts the life of thousands in the most variable body state and conditions, mentoring and designing specific workouts to preserve or rejuvenate the body health, wellness and maximum potencial of his clients.

To help improve the life quality of more people, we partnered to develop and communicate his personal brand to live both in digital and in print.

The approach needed to be comprehensive to ensure consistency between mediums.


Brand design and identity system development for a personal trainer.


We've developed a brand strategy and it's identity to ensure a consistent presence both digitally and in print.

Scope Project

Brand Strategy

Brand Messaging

Logo & Identity Design

Developing the Strategy

We gather to talk about Vitor's  motivations and vision about the project. Understanding his purpose, business goals and the customers he serves as well the challenges and needs of the business, led to a coherent foundation for the development of the brand.

Understanding the Users

Vitor helps people in a multitude of body conditions and states. Therefore, to understand the needs of these customers, we've created profiles of the kind of people that use his mentoring and why. This exercise revealed their demographics, psychographics, needs and wants.

Defining the Brand

The strategy session also revealed the key pillars of the brand, which defined it's personality (how it looks, sounds and acts).


Assisting people who've been told that there was no reverse showed evidence that being healthy is a consequence of how we treat our body and mind. Learning about how the mind and physical body influence each other directly is an advantage to make easier and healthier decisions in life.

Developing The Brand

The concept of balance was imperative. We've developed an identity that identifies and speaks cohesively to guarantee every customer touchpoint reflected the brand.

Inspired in the minimal design, this symbol represents premium health and wellness with its boldness and symmetrical characteristics with a soft touch of action through its shapes and forms.


Reminiscing the golden trophies we conquer playing in the velvet mats, the colors of this brand enforce the serious and playful competitive feelings for the most premium and wealthy achievements.


Bold, balance and strong. The two typefaces work well together across all mediums and evoque both the energy and calmness of a steady growth.

Visual Identity

The aesthetic of the brand was inspired by the dynamic and premium lifestyle. The culture behind the brand is about conscious rebalance of the premium health through wealthy practices for full and maximum body performance.

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